Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Few More for the Llammas Line-up

I used scraps from making the 'Merbabes' and some 'embellisher' fabric from the 'might come in useful' bin to make these tags and pindolls. The faces are coloured pencil, p.micron pen and fabric paint on polyester suede. I drew around a large cotton reel, painted the faces, then cut them out with pinking shears. Some wadding, a few beads, my favourite buttonhole stitch, backing fabric and here's the result:

(click on photo for bigger image)

If I have time, I may add a few more beads!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

TIF June - better late than never...................

I've been in a bit of a mess for the last month or more. Access to my work room has been interrupted by plumbing and wiring and I've had to act as plumber's and electrician's mate.It will only be for a week or so, said the Boss. But I knew better, so I did a bit of preparation and that led to my TIF submission for June.

So that's one side of the story. The other is a kind of evolution. I'm having a table at this year's Lammas Fair on the seafront and I wanted to make some mermaids to sell. The inspiration came from previous TIFs - so I really have taken it further. In January I admired Alexander Fleming for his discovery, and based my design around that. But I also admired Constance Howard for her innovation (who doesn't?) and Winsome Davies for her hand embroidered 3D items, mostly toys. The Winsome inspiration carried through to February, when I remembered Jack Frost patterns on the windows.

So I designed a fish-faced Merbabe based on the Jack Frost pattern and made up a whole lot of body parts ready to assemble and embellish while I watched the TV in the evenings after the DIY shift!

(Click on photo for bigger image)

(Click on photo for bigger image)