Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of us had 'flu

I was the one still standing and any noisy activities were somewhat curtailed for a couple of weeks. While I was being quiet and comforting, I had fun doing this:

(click on photo for bigger image)

I 'layered' jungle print chiffon on top of a piece of synthetic felt and ran it through the needlepunch/embellisher machine. I didn't realise how fragile that would cause the chiffon to become until I came to make up the body. Then I wished that I had machine stitched all over it too. A lesson learned for next time!

The plan was to try to be looser, less neat and more 'arty'. Well, I managed to be a bit of some of that!


arlee said...

what a cutie :}

Emmy said...

yes so very cute <<

Art4Sol said...

I especially like the body with all the embroidery...very nice.

Anonymous said...

It is adorable!!! Love the face and the body. Seems to be a great serendipity experience to me.